NAV Navbar
json or


BaseUrl: wss://

Public channel

Private channel


deflate example

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  websocket = function () {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
    ws.onopen = function() {
      console.log("connect success");
      ws.send('{"id":1, "event":""}');
    ws.onmessage = function(e) {
      var blob =;
      var reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = function (evt) {
        var data = pako.inflate(, { to: 'string' })
        console.log("receive binaray message: " + data);


code message description
1 success request success
2 ParamInvalid param invalid
3 AuthFail auth fail
4 NeedAuth need auth
5 RepeatSubscribe repeat subscribe
6 SubscribeFail subscribe fail
7 UnsubscribeFailed unsubscribe fail
8 ApiNotActive api not active
9 RepeatAuth repeat auth

Public Channel



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string server.time
id yes number auto-increment request id

request example


response param

Parameters Type Description
event string server.time
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg
data string milliseconds since UNIX epoch

response example



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string
id yes number auto-increment request id

request example


response param

Parameters Type Description
event string
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg
data string pong if success

response example





request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string ticker.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string ticker.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string ticker.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string ticker.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string ticker.unsubscribe
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
best_bid string best bid price
best_bid_size string best bid volume
best_ask string best ask price
best_ask_size string best ask volume
high_24h string highest trade price since 24 hours ago
open_24h string 24 hours ago trade price
low_24h string lowest trade price since 24 hours ago
last string last trade price
last_qty string last trade volume
volume_24h string total trade volume since 24 hours ago
volume_token_24h string total trade token since 24 hours ago
open_interest string ignore
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


All Ticker



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string all_ticker.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id

request example


response param

Parameters Type Description
event string all_ticker.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string all_ticker.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id

request example


response param

Parameters Type Description
event string all_ticker.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string ticker.unsubscribe
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
best_bid string best bid price
best_bid_size string best bid volume
best_ask string best ask price
best_ask_size string best ask volume
high_24h string highest trade price since 24 hours ago
open_24h string 24 hours ago trade price
low_24h string lowest trade price since 24 hours ago
last string last trade price
last_qty string last trade volume
volume_24h string total trade volume since 24 hours ago
volume_token_24h string total trade token since 24 hours ago
open_interest string ignore
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example





request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string depth.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
level yes number depth level, valid level: 10 20 100
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "level": 10


  "level": 10

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string depth.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string depth.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
level yes number depth level, valid level: 10 20 100
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "level": 10


  "level": 10

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string depth.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string ticker.unsubscribe
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
level number push depth level
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch
- - asks object asks book
0 string price
1 number amount
- - bids object bids book
0 string price
1 number amount

push example





request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string trades.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string trades.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string trades.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string trades.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string trades.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
trade_id string trade id
direction string order direction 1:Open Long 2:Open Short 3:Close Long 4:Close Short
volume string trade volume
price string trade price
trade_time number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

response example


Cur Candle



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string cur_candle.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
granularity yes string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "granularity": "1m",


  "granularity": "1m",

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string cur_candle.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string cur_candle.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
granularity yes string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "granularity": "1m",


  "granularity": "1m",

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string cur_candle.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string cur_candle.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
granularity string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
- - candle object candle detail
0 number milliseconds since UNIX epoch (candle start)
1 string open price
2 string highest price
3 string lowest price
4 string close price
5 string trade volume
6 string token trade num

push example


Index Price



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string index_price.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string index_price.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string index_price.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string index_price.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string index_price.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
index_price string instrument index price
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


Mark Price



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string mark_price.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string mark_price.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string mark_price.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string mark_price.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string mark_price.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
index_price string instrument index price
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


Mark Candle



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string mark_candle.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
granularity yes string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "granularity": "1m",


  "granularity": "1m",

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string mark_candle.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string mark_candle.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
granularity yes string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example

  "granularity": "1m",


  "granularity": "1m",

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string mark_candle.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string cur_candle.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
granularity string candle granularity: 1m 5m 15m 30m 1h 4h 12h 1d 1w
- - mark_candle object candle detail
0 number milliseconds since UNIX epoch (candle start)
1 string open price
2 string highest price
3 string lowest price
4 string close price
5 string trade volume
6 string token trade num

push example


Price Range



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string price_range.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string price_range.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string price_range.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string price_range.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string price_range.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
highest string max buy price
lowest string min sell price
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


Fund Rate



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string fund_rate.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string fund_rate.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string fund_rate.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string fund_rate.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string fund_rate.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
funding_rate string current funding rate
funding_time number settlement time,milliseconds since UNIX epoch
next_funding_rate string forecasted funding rate for the next period
next_funding_time number funding time for the next period, milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


Settle price



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string estimated_settle_price.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string estimated_settle_price.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string estimated_settle_price.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id options string instrument_id
instrument_ids options array array of instrument_id. instrument_id and instrument_ids must not be both empty

request example




response param

Parameters Type Description
event string estimated_settle_price.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string estimated_settle_price.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
estimated_settle_price string current funding rate
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example


Private Channel



request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string server.auth
id yes number auto-increment request id
apikey yes string apikey you got
timestamp yes number milliseconds since UNIX epoch
signature yes string base64 encrypted after sha256 encrypted timestamp by api secret

sign example

timestamp = new Date().getTime();
signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.Stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(timestamp.toString(), secret))

request example

  "timestamp": 1662346006093,

response param

Parameters Type Description
event string server.auth
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example





request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string account.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
currency no string currency
currency_list no array array of currency
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example



  "instrument_type": 1




  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string account.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string account.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
currency no string currency
currency_list no array array of currency
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example





  "instrument_type": 1


  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string account.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string account.update
- data object response data
equity string account equity(include unrealized profit and loss)
currency string currency
margin string margin occupied by position
cross_maintain_margin string maintain margin of cross account
cross_force_close_fee string force close fee of cross account
cross_margin string cross margin occupied by position
isolate_margin string isolate margin occupied by position
isolate_balance string total isolate balance
frozen_margin string margin occupied by open orders
frozen_money string fee occupied by open orders
frozen_transfer string amount occupied by transfer risk control
margin_ratio string margin ratio
realized_pnl string realized profit and loss
avail_balance string available balance
unrealized_pnl string unrealized profit and loss(cross+isolate)
isolate_unrealized_pnl string isolate unrealized profit and loss
time_stamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example

      "cross_margin": "0",
      "isolate_margin": "0",
      "isolate_balance": "0",
      "cross_margin": "0",
      "isolate_margin": "0",
      "isolate_balance": "0",
      "cross_margin": "38.21658",
      "isolate_margin": "0",
      "isolate_balance": "0",




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string position.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id no string instrument_id
instrument_ids no array array of instrument_id
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example





  "instrument_type": 1


  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string position.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string position.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id no string instrument_id
instrument_ids no array array of instrument_id
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example





  "instrument_type": 1


  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string position.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string position.update
- data object response data
instrument_id string instrument id
margin_mode string margin mode, crossed or isolated
posi_balance string valid only isolated margin mode
avail_position string position that can be closed
avg_cost string average open price
last string instrument latest trade price
mark_price string instrument mark price
leverage string leverage
liquidation_price string estimated liquidation price
maint_margin_ratio string maintenance margin ratio
margin string use margin of current position
maintain_margin string maintenance margin requirement
force_close_fee string force close fee requirement
position string total position
realized_pnl string realized profit and loss
unrealized_pnl string unrealized profit and loss
unrealized_pnl_rate string unrealized profit and loss rate
side string position side: long | short
open_outstanding string close order not finish size
add_margin_max number auto add margin count limit. -1: no limit, 0: forbidden, 1: at most one times, 2: at most two times, 3: at most three times
add_margin_count number auto add margin count
risk_score string risk score to be ADL (0-1)
margin_ratio string margin ratio
timestamp number milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example

      "posi_balance": "0",
      "add_margin_max": 0,
      "add_margin_count": 0,
      "posi_balance": "0",
      "add_margin_max": 0,
      "add_margin_count": 0,
      "posi_balance": "0",
      "add_margin_max": 0,
      "add_margin_count": 0,




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string order.subscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id no string instrument_id
instrument_ids no array array of instrument_id
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example





  "instrument_type": 1


  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string order.subscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example




request param

Parameters Required Type Description
event yes string order.unsubscribe
id yes number auto-increment request id
instrument_id no string instrument_id
instrument_ids no array array of instrument_id
instrument_type no number instrument_type: 0-All, 1-Simulate, 2-Real default 0
contract_type no number contract_type: -1-All, 0-Swap, 1-Move default 0

request example





  "instrument_type": 1


  "contract_type": 0



response param

Parameters Type Description
event string order.unsubscribe
id number auto-increment request id
code number see ErrorCode
msg string error msg

response example



push param

Parameters Type Description
event string order.update
- data object response data
order_id string order id
margin_mode string margin mode, crossed or isolated
instrument_id string instrument id
contract_val string contract value of single size
type number type: 1 open long 2 open short 3 close long 4 close short
order_type number order type: 0: limit_price 1: IOC_opponent 2: IOC_Optimal_5 3: IOC_Optimal_10 13: IOC_Optimal_20 4: IOC_custom_price 6: GTC_opponent 7: GTC_Optimal_5 8: GTC_Optimal_10 14: GTC_Optimal_20 10: FOK_opponent 11: FOK_Optimal_5 12: FOK_Optimal_10 15: FOK_Optimal_20 9: FOK_custom_price
price string order price
size string order size
filled_qty string filled quantity
price_avg string average trade price
fee string trade fee
state number order status: -10: add fail, -1: canceled, 0: open, 1: part filled, 2: filled
leverage string leverage
turnover string filled trade value
close_profit string order close profit
has_stop number has stop: 0 no 1 yes
insert_time number order create time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch
time_stamp number order last update time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch

push example

      "margin_mode": "crossed",
      "close_profit": "1.3762",